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Bitter and Sweet (3D Models)(Personal license only)

Bitter and Sweet (3D Models)(Personal license only)

Regular price $30.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 USD
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Video showcase ♡:

Unity Packages for Unity 2022

NOT Quest compatible, PC ONLY!

:heart_black_nf2u:BITTER [Black]:
- All gestures/idle animations/ etc, FBX+Prefab included.
Phys bones in: Ears, Hairs, Chest, Butt, Thighs, Tails, Hat ears, Leash, Wings, Chain charms
- Colliders on whole body + floor collider for hair/tail
Toggles via Inventory System:
     ┗ Clothing menu: Hoodie, Shorts, Tshirt, Socks, Warmers, Panties, Pasties, Shoes
     ┗ Accessory menu 1/2: Hat, Hairclips, Bandaids, Belts, Gloves, Collar, Collar Chain, Garter, Fishnets off, Backpack, Wings, Cat ears, Cat tail, Elf ears, Face piercing, Body piercings

- Custom edited/drawn textures, custom made/edited and rigged parts
- FBT ready

:ArrowRight: Extra features:
    • :poi_hue: Color customizations:
         ┗ Hair: 
Black Hair(default), White Hair swap!

    • :flipshairinspanish: 2 Hair Options! 
(Long let down hair, and Short tomboy hair!)
    •  :Hearts:LOTS of accessories and well thought out layers you can mix and match with!
    • Comes with GoGo Loco!

    • :blinkblink:Custom blink animation! (A custom made blink animation to give the avatar a more cutesy vibe!)
    • :Lurk: 
Facial expressions with ear movements! (When making your usual face gestures, the ears will move along with them!)
    • :vrcTongue: 
Wiggly tongue with drool!
    • :excite~1:Contact interactions! (Headpat, Nose boop, Both Eye touches/pokes!+a toggle to turn these interactions off!)

:heartthatly:SWEET [Pink]:
:ArrowRight: Basics:
- All gestures/idle animations/ etc, FBX+Prefab included.
Phys bones in: Ears, Hairs, Boobs, Butt, Thighs, Tail, Leash, Wings, Chain charms
- Colliders on whole body + floor collider for hair/tail
Toggles via Inventory System:
     ┗ Clothing menu: Hoodie, Skirt, Tshirt, Socks, Warmers, Panties, Pasties, Shoes
     ┗ Accessory menu 1/2: Hairclips, Bandaids, Glasses UP, Glasses Off, Collar, Collar Chain, Garter, Fishnets Off, Backpack, Wings, Puppy Ears, Puppy Tail, Elf ears, Body piercings
- Custom edited/drawn textures, custom made/edited and rigged parts
- FBT ready

:ArrowRight: Extra features:
    • :poi_hue: Color customizations!:
         ┗ Hair Hue Shift!

         ┗ Outfit Hue Shift!
         ┗ Eyes Hue Shift!:
Each eye has its own Hue shift!
    • :flipshairinspanish: 2 Hair Options! 
(Long hair, and Short/Bun hair!)
    •  :Pink_hearts:LOTS of accessories and well thought out layers you can mix and match with!
    • Comes with GoGo Loco!

    • :blinkblink:Custom blink animation! (A custom made blink animation to give the avatar a more cutesy vibe!)
    • :vrcTongue: 
Wiggly tongue with drool!
    • :excite~1:Contact interactions! (Headpat, Nose boop, Both Eye touches/pokes!+a toggle to turn these interactions off!)

Upload Instructions (Details in my server!
• Use VCC!
• Must have VRCFury in project
• Import Poiyomi Toon 8.0.295
• Import Avatar package
All in that order. 


By purchasing any of my Models/Assets you agree to the following rules above, if said rules be broken, you are a subject to be taken action against according to the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).

You are NOT allowed to take/reuse ANY assets (meshes,mesh edits,textures,texture edits,icons,etc.) off this model for your own (personal or commercial) use. MUST purchase/obtain all assets from the appropriate creators (listed in credits), or from me SEPARATELY if you want to use any of the assets. (IF they are available/allowed to be reused outside of my avatar)

:ArrowRight: Credits:
Short Hair/Long Hair - Saikura
Hat - Apyr
Cat ears/Tail - Whituuu
Shoes - Sezzy

Assets made from scratch by me(Cupkake): Hoodie, Tshirt, Gloves, Socks, Backpack, Belts, Shorts, Panties, Pasties, Garter, Hairclips, ALL piercings/pins/safety pins/spikes/plushies/charms/bell, Wiggly tongue

Hairs - Saikura, Kri, Nessy
Puppy ears - Nessy

Shoes - Tilly[nitro]

Assets made from scratch by me(Cupkake): Hoodie, Tshirt, Socks, Backpack, Belts, Panties, Pasties, Garter, Hairclips, Glasses, Tail, ALL piercings/pins/safety pins/spikes/plushies/charms/bell, Wiggly tongue

For both:
Head - cicieaaa/Head edit by me
Body - Zinpia/Body edit by me

Warmers - FillMyPantry
Demon/Angel wings - Gell3D
Bandaids - Yamu
Black/White fishnets - Zinpia
Collar/Leash - LexMinus
Skirt/Charm chain - Hoeyume
GoGo Loco by franada
Showcase video by 
In-game pictures/gifs taken by Zelle/Cupkake

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